Ox #26 CD-Beilage
The Devil in Miss Jones - God
Andere Bands auf diesem Sampler:
Antiseen, Turbonegro, Bushfire, Graf Zahl, Evil Mothers, Tripface,
WWH, Water breaks Stone, G-Point Generation, The Simons, New Wave
Hookers, Latex Generation, Stukas, Killrays, Genocide SS, Forced
to Decay, Jimmy Pelz Fistfuck USA, His Hero is gone, Bash!, Die
Strafe, N.O.E., Knochenfabrik, Across the Border, Jimmy Keith&his
Shocky Horrors, Baken Beans, Clit Cops, Indicision, Leprechaun,
Belisha Beacon, Intensity, OS 101
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Auflage: ???
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